Pacific Terrace

Location: San Francisco
The Property
Managed by Meridian Management Group, Pacific Terrace is a newly constructed apartment complex on Lower Russian Hill in San Francisco. The property possesses a small, enclosed garage for tenants, which according to applicable codes and standards, requires continuous – 24/7 – mechanical ventilation.
The Savings Opportunity
From the moment the property was occupied, management noted the monthly electric utility bill for building’s common areas, including the garage, was exorbitantly high. It’s not unusual for a commercial-property garage ventilation system to account for as much as two thirds (2/3) of a garage’s monthly / annual utility bill when its exhaust and/or supply fan(s) operate continuously during building-occupied hours.

The NES Solution
In early 2015, NES installed our FG-20 digital, demand-control ventilation (DCV) system for commercial garages. The NES FG-20 can be readily scaled to comport with building management systems with BACnet® and Modbus® communication protocols, delivering a high degree of functionality and value-added features, including Internet accessibility.
Project Higlights
Annual energy costs for garage ventilation were reduced by 95%. Pre-installation = $16,147 Post-installation = $807
The Results
Post-installation data logging of kW consumption showed the NES FG-20 garage DCV system reduced the garage fan motors’ combined kWh consumption by more than 61,300 kWh a year – a 95% savings. Peak kW demand was reduced by 7 kW, which also equates to a 95% savings.
In addition to immediately reducing its operating costs, the Meridian Group received an incentive / rebate from Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) of approximately $5,900 for the energy savings obtained by the NES system. After rebate,